Sunday, November 21, 2010


today is novemeber 21, 2010 and i regret cutting my hair. i didn't get a haircut for 3.5 years and decided to chop it all off last month. the reason being so was that i started running everyday and it was during my lunch breaks at work. we have no showers at work so I just wiped myself off with a towel and went back to work. it just felt disgusting marinating in my own sweat with my hair all drenched. it feels so much better when i'm running and after i run now that my hair is short, but that is only an hour of my day. the rest of the time i feel so naked. i miss the way my hair feels. i did keep a little rat tail in the back so i have a little ounce of dignity left. it's the only thing that makes me feel normal.

my friends and i took a trip to nyc a few weeks ago. it was an eye opening experience. nyc is so different from sd. it's so fast paced and everything is so clustered and compact. although i thoroughly enjoyed the trip, i don't see myself living in that type of environment. it's too hectic for me. i like to be laid back and chill and take things at a slow pace.

i want to make it a point to blog on the regular again. i stopped blogging for a couple years. it was a good way for me to collect my thoughts and just throw them out there and i have no reason why i stopped. i guess you can just say i got lazy or stopped caring. i think all those social networking sites kinda killed it for me. everyone just went on myspace, or facebook, and now twitter. blogging just got lost in the loop. it took too much time and was too limited while those other sites offered so much more. plus it's fun to see what everyone else is doing and it's all jumbled onto one page.

i've been wanting to ask this one girl out. i'll refer to her as "anna". i see her occasionally and randomly. we met through some mutual friends and we hit it off right away. at least i think so. hahaha. if you ask her, it might be an entirely different story. but she's a little younger than i am and her school schedule doesn't match up well with my work schedule. so it's a weekends only deal. but thing is, i haven't been going out on weekends. i dunno, i dont wanna put in the work only to be let down. the holidays are coming up and school is out and i have days off from work so we'll see what happens.

yeah, there's no order to this thought process. i'm just typing the next thing that comes to mind. expect that from me. a bunch of nonsense cluttered into one space. i think that's it for now. time to bust out my uke and get a jam sesh going.


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