went to the monday night football game tonight. chargers whooped the broncos' asses. just as expected. i love tailgating and being at the games. it's just a fun environment and everyone is having a good time. the thing i don't like though is having to transport all the gear around. i'm in charge of the grill, tent, chairs, tickets, and pretty much anything else of importance. all the big stuff are with me. i'd really like it if i got some help every now and then. but other than that, i get to be with my closest friends and we can forget about the real world for a few hours and just enjoy the moment. thank you chargers for all the wonderful times. hopefully we can win a superbowl in my lifetime. that way all the haters can shut up about "how many rings do you have?" i hate that argument. especially when the last ring your team won was 20 years ago.
tomorrow is a potluck at work. i used to participate in potlucks at work but everyone there is a vulture. there are alot of good stuff that people bring but it always gets eaten with the quickness. if you're not first in line, then you aint gettin' none. some poeple just have no respect for others and just take as much as they can get. some people don't even bring food to share and just take. that is why i stopped participating in these potlucks. too many inconsiderate people. i'll just bring my own lunch and enjoy what i have.
my face burns. it feels like i got sunburnt but i wasn't out in the sun. it's probably wind burn cuz it was cold tonight and my face is the only thing that was exposed to the elements.
i don't want to sleep. i feel like just staying up and maybe watching a movie or reading a book or something. but it is 20 past midnight and i got work tomorrow morning. i also have bowling league tomorrow night, which i am looking forward to. i love the fact that i now have friends on my team. the past 2 years i have been bowling with random people. i mean, i became friends with them after the fact. but it's just a different feeling bowling with people i can trust and have known for a long time. i can just be myself and say what i want to and act how i want to. i no longer have to hold back in fear of the teammates lashing out against me or not wanting me on the team anymore because of something i did/said.
time to surf the interwebs and maybe watch some pr0n.
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